Street Football / Foot 2 Rue (Wii) English Script f2r_01_intro: -tag: It's quiet in Port Marie today, don't you think? -jeremy: Too quiet, Tag. I can't wait any longer. I want action! -jeremy: The federation should have already published the list of qualified teams! -tag: Have a bit of patience, Jeremy! We've never seen you as excited as you've been the last few days. -tag: In fact, ever since organisation of the street football world championships was announced! -jeremy: Ok, that makes sense now! You're the captain Tag, it's normal for you to stay calm. -jeremy: Me, on the other hand, I have the soul of an attacker! And itchy feet! -tag: You would do better to save your energy for our upcoming matches. -jeremy: Do you remember when we played the Apaches? We were three all. Brains dribbled... -jeremy: ...he passed the ball to me... I moved in front of the goalkeeper and... GOAL! -pradet: Oh look, the weenies! I've been looking for you. Get in the car, I've been told to take you to the Riffler Institute. -tag: It's bound to be for something important. Let's go! -tag: Samira, Brains, Eloise, there you are! -fede: We were expecting more than just you, Tag and Jeremy. -fede: I asked you here because I have some important news to tell you... -fede: The list of teams is ready at last, but... -fede: still have one match to win to qualify. -fede: You'll be playing the Black Devils team. -tag: The Black Devils? Never heard of them... does anyone know? -tag: What about you, Fédé? -fede: I don't know any more about it than you, to my knowledge no one has seen them play yet. -fede: Besides they registered barely a week ago. -tag: By the way, when was the match scheduled for? -fede: It will be tonight. -equipe: Tonight? -jeremy: That's a joke right?! Why not the day before yesterday when we were there? -fede: Sorry, that was the only date they could do. -tag: Come on Rifflers... ready for a challenge? -equipe: Yeahhh! -tag: Right, training everyone! -tag: Is everyone sitting down? Good, let's begin. -estelle: Hey Rifflers! Are you ready for tonight? -tag: Estelle! -estelle: I heard about the match. I wondered if I come and train you? -tag: Your help is appreciated... really nice! -estelle: I owe you that much, it was you who taught me all about team spirit! -jeremy: That's fantastic, you are the best female player of all time! -estelle: You exaggerate... but you're not bad either, huh? -jeremy: Wow! It's not every day I get to train with such a pretty girl! -samira: Come again? -jeremy: Ahem... except when I train with you, Samira! -estelle: Ok, does that mean you need to practice some passes with me? f2r_02_intro: -jeremy: Phew! That was tiring! And to think the match hasn't even started yet... -jeremy: Right friends, I suggest a break! -stephane: How long till the match? -tag: Stephen! You came all the way from your city just for us! -stephane: You must know the street football values, right? Sharing, friendship, solidarity! -stephane: Of course I'll support you. All the more so since I'm your number one fan! -stephane: Eloise, what do you think about a few shots? -eloise: Great idea, Stephen, you're a star! You'll see just what I can do... -tag: I'll shoot! -victoire: Hi friends. I hope I'm not disturbing anyone? -jeremy: Pfff... At Riffler, you even disturb the sparrows! -tag: Victoria! What are you doing here? -victoire: I wanted to see what your game was like... -victoire: We have every chance of being knocked out tonight. -victoire: With me on your team, you would be invincible! -jeremy: We don't need you here. Besides, you said it yourself, you're not part of the team! -jeremy: ...Because you have proved to us that when you play, it's not just about you. -tag: Right, excuse us Victoria, our training won't wait... f2r_03_intro: -jeremy: Wow, we are on top form! Be very scared Black Devils, for today we'll be knocking you out! -tag: We just have to perfect our strikes now... -eloise: Tag, with me in goal you'll never score. -tag: We'll see about that! f2r_04_intro: -fede: Well, well, Rifflers. Working hard I see! -fede: For your next lot of training, go to the General District. -fede: Someone is waiting there for you. -tag: Who? A pretty admirer? -fede: Maybe! Brains will be delighted... -gabriel: To the General District everyone! Quick! -fatou: Hey to my favourite team! Look who's here! -matt: Hi! I was told I could be of help... -equipe: Matt! -jeremy: How about an autograph Matt? -gabriel: Fa... Fatou, I knew you'd come! -eloise: Brains, close your mouth when faced with Lady Love! And Jeremy, stop behaving like a groupie! -tag: It's a great honour, Matt! -matt: Ah ah! "It's a great honour". -jeremy: So even football stars are coming to admire us now? -fatou: No, no, I wrote to him to ask him to come and give us some advice. -jeremy: Aha... -matt: She showed me some videos of your matches. You could qualify but you need to strengthen your defence... -fatou: I think so too! Brains, want to try getting the ball from me? -gabriel: Who me? Yes, I'd love to! -samira: Do not be distracted by her appearance! f2r_05_intro: -zinguezinho: Ah ah ah ah ah! -tag: Wow, Zangazino! Did you watch us? What did you think of our game? -zinguezinho: Pretty good! But it's missing something... -jeremy: What then... A ball signed by Matt? -matt: Why not? But your attack could do with some improvement still. -tag: How so? -matt: Well... by playing Zanzagino! -zinguezinho: Yes, but which one of you is going to manage to get through my defence? -matt: That sound's like a challenge to me! Who's up for it? -samira: Me! Zangazino, time to teach you a lesson! f2r_06: -fede: I came to see how it went. Matt, what did you think of them? -matt: Promising! They are raring to go, ready to give their all. No? -equipe: Yeahhh! -fede: Guys, time to get going... We have a qualifier to settle. -tag: The Black Devils... Let's do it, team! -fede: Welcome the last qualifier match for the Street Football World Championships! -fede: Thank you, Matt, for joining us today... -matt: I wouldn't have missed it for the world! -fede: Today, the famous Rifflers team... -fede: ... play against the Black Devils. -fede: The two teams are invited to make their way onto the pitch. -equipe: Huh? What? No way! -tag: Victoria? ... Aha, I should have guessed you would be behind all this! -victoire_sport: Let me introduce the amazing Black Devils. I set up the team myself. -tag: But... They're the best street football players in the world!? -victoire_sport: Thanks to my father, I flew them in from all four corners of the globe. -matt: That doesn't seem very fair to me! -victoire_sport: There's nothing against it in the rules... Today will mark the end of the Rifflers' reign! -fede: Ball to the Rifflers. OK, match starts on my whistle. -fede: Get ready! -matt: Good luck, Rifflers... you can beat them! f2r_12: -fede: End of standard time! The Rifflers win the match! -fede: The team qualifies for the Street Football World Championship! -equipe: Yeeeesssss! -jeremy: So, Victoria! At long last your name's not suiting you so well, huh? -victoire_sport: You got lucky, that's all. This won't be the end of the Black Devils! -matt: Don't worry about her. Whatever she does, you have something she will never have... -matt: Have you guessed what I'm talking about Tag? -tag: Yup... the street football spirit! -tag: Sharing, friendship, respect and solidarity. She can't do anything to beat that. -fede: You can say that again! It's the ideal recipe for being the best. -jeremy: Yes, and we... -equipe: ...are the best! f2r_13: -fede: End of standard time! The Black Devils win the match! -fede: The team qualifies for the Street Football World Championship! -victoire_sport: So Rifflers, where were you during the match? We didn't see a lot of you! -matt: Young lady, your behaviour is deplorable! -gabriel: You're nothing but a cheat Victoria! You arranged everything in your favour as usual. -victoire_sport: Look at that. He's so cute when he's angry! -tag: Brains, they won. We have no problem with that. -matt: Spot on Tag. That has no place in street football spirit. -victoire_sport: Street football spirit! Ah ah ah! Thankfully ridicule won't kill you! -samira: What a surprise that you would say that. It's a state of mind you will never have. -tag: That's enough Victoria. Congratulations to you and your team. -victoire_sport: I like that better. -fede: Don't be discouraged kids. -matt: All the best teams go through difficult patches. You know I've seen my fair share of defeats too! -fede:'s just as much about accepting our failures as it is winning. -gabriel: Right then... let's pull ourselves together and get back to training from tomorrow! -tag: Yes! The Rifflers are far from done yet! f2r_14: -fede: End of standard time! -fede: It's a draw, restart the match! f2r_22: -fede: End of standard time! The Rifflers win the match! -fede: The team qualifies for the Street Football World Championship! -equipe: Yeeeesssss! f2r_23: -fede: End of standard time! The Black Devils win the match! -fede: The team qualifies for the Street Football World Championship! f2r_24: -fede: End of standard time! -fede: It's a draw, restart the match!