
Hey I’m Obluda, a computer science and math student. This is my personal page, dedicated to display all the different projects I’ve worked in the past.

I discovered reverse engineering in 2020 and it became one of my main interests! I used to focus on learning how games were made, now I also try to implement new things in them.

You can find me on Twitter or message me on Discord @Obluda3. 🤓


Here you’ll find many of my different video games projects for those that I reversed in the past.

Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013 Documentation

Over the past two years I’ve spent a lot of time reverse engineering Strikers 2013’s code, data structures and file formats. Here you’ll find a documentation of the things that I (and other people) have learnt so far.

Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013 Xtreme

Screenshot of Xtreme13's titlescreen

Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013 Xtreme is a mod aiming to complete the original game by restoring its unused content in addition to some extra features.

I was the main developer behind this mod. We started working on it in late 2020 (back then it didn’t really have a name). It was released on August 26 2022.

These extra features were the results of the reverse engineering work I’ve done on this game. It includes a music player/selector, random team generator, displaying hidden info and stuff like that.

It uses Kamek by Ninji to inject custom code into the game.

Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013 French Patch

Screenshot of a translated menu in Strikers 2013

I was one of the contributors behind the french translation of Strikers 2013. My job was to help with some text translation and graphics assets, but mostly to make tools to help modifying the game, with the help of a few others. We started the project back in Summer 2020 when Rosetta managed to extract the game’s files, but we were later joined by AS who quickly became the lead of the project, and Nayth.

This has been my first ever completed big scale project, and we released it in January 2023.

Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013 modding tools

I’ve made multiple tools to mod the game when I could’ve just made an all-in-one. Actually there’s a reason but we’ll save that story for another time…


Strikers2013Editor is used to modify players, teams and moves data structures in Strikers 2013. It also includes a save editor (although it’s a bit uncomplete). I started to work on it in December 2020, and continued until 2023-ish.


Strikers2013-Tools is a program I initialy made for the french fan-translation project of the game. I made it in order to import files into the games’ archives, back when available tools like Kuriimu2 didn’t support them. I also added support for the game’s text format, and later re-implemented the game’s compression algorithm.

Street Football

Street Football is a video game based on the TV Show Foot 2 Rue. I worked a little bit on the game, for shitposting purposes…

Here’s some stuff I wrote about the game’s files. A full dump of the game’s script is available in English, French or Italian.